Mulberries sweet

2014年2月22日—Ozsaysthemulberryisa“super-food”thatprovidesproteinandantioxidants;andtheleaves,madeintotea,inhibitthedigestionofsugar–a ...

Mulberries sweet

I’m like a kid in a candy store when I come across a mulberry tree laden with fruit ready to pick. Who wouldn’t just stand and eat their fill?

Many of us may have done this, since mulberry trees grow in a wide range of climates and soils. Some are native to China, while others are native in the Midwest. Lately I am asking myself – why I don’t grow my own? I’ve got plenty of room, but can’t help considering the messy parts.

Mulberries are fast-growing trees with aggressive roots that can lift sidewalks and strangle drains. The fruitless kind grown to feed silkworms are large shade trees that need frequent pruning. Not the best tree, ornamental-wise, when there are so many better-behaved trees to choose from.

Fruit-bearing mulberries are the ones worth growing. And there are a few that are easy to grow and do well in drought conditions.

Also read: The dish on the other berries[1]

You do need to take into account that fruiting mulberries are heavy bearers....






