Identify a mulberry

Shape:Aslender,medium-sized,uprighttreewithanopencrown.·Barkisdullgrey-brown,withfissures.·Leavesarelarge,andoftenhavedeeplobes, ...

Identify a mulberry

Unlike the white mulberry, there is really only one variety and few cultivars of black mulberry.

Shape: Medium-sized tree (up to 12 m) with a short trunk and long spreading branches, which are often supported on props in older trees. Mature trees very often lean at an angle, like the Tower of Pisa, and trunks can even be nearly horizontal. Branches often have lots of thin, bendy twigs at the ends.

Bark is orange-brown, often gnarled with large burrs and fissures.

Buds are alternate, dark and pointed, opening very late (May).

Flowers are small, green, spikey catkins. Mulberries can have both male and female flowers on the same tree, but they can also be on separate trees.

Leaves are about 8 cm long, coarse, heart shaped, with toothed edges. Can be hairy on top and downy underneath. Some lower leaves and those on new shoots can be lobed, or with deep incisions. There can be several different leaf forms on a single tree.

Fruit loo...






