2021年3月2日—mylittlepotato=mipapita(papaisafemalenoun)Ormipequeñapapa.InsomecountriestheysaypatatasoIthinktheremylittlepotato ...,2023年7月27日—PatatitaisO.K.asanickname,noneedanythingelsemeanslittlepotato.Upvote,EnglishtoSpanishtranslationresultsfor'smallpotato'designedfortabletsandmobiledevices.PossiblelanguagesincludeEnglish,Dutch,German, ...,TranslateLittlepotatoes.SeeSpanish-Englishtranslationswithaudiopronunciations,examples,andword-by-wordexplanations.,Whilekneading,addalittlepotatos...
How do you say this in Spanish (Mexico)? “my little potato” ... | 農作物專家
2021年3月2日 — my little potato = mi papita (papa is a female noun) Or mi pequeña papa. In some countries they say patata so I think there my little potato ...
pequeña patita or pequeña patatita or patita or patatita? | 農作物專家
2023年7月27日 — Patatita is O.K. as a nickname, no need anything else means little potato. Upvote
Translate "small potato" from English to Spanish | 農作物專家
English to Spanish translation results for 'small potato' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, ...
Little potatoes | 農作物專家
Translate Little potatoes. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
little potato | 農作物專家
While kneading, add a little potato starch. Mientras amasa, agregue un poco de almidón de patata.
My little potato | 農作物專家
mi pequeña patata. Play. Copy. Swap. Proofread. Microsoft. Show more translations. Word-by-word. my · mi · little · pequeño · poco · potato.
Translate "little potato" from English to Spanish | 農作物專家
English to Spanish translation results for 'little potato' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, ...
Little potato | 農作物專家
While kneading, add a little potato starch. Mientras amasa, agregue un poco de almidón de patata. ; Whether as a side dish or delicious main course - these ...
What is the translation of "small potatoes" in Spanish? | 農作物專家
chorrada f} [Spa.] [coll.] small potatoes. 2.
little potato in Spanish | 農作物專家
Translation of little potato into Spanish. gangrena del tallo, roseta are the top translations of little potato into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: ...